Friday, October 16, 2009

My favorite photograph

This photo is my favorite and was taken at a friend's house in Santiago because we decided to get together for lunch and the photo was taken by his younger brother who is 15 years for that all of us would appear:) in the photo you can see my group of university friends (left to right: pipo, nacho, cote, I, caro, coni) all very nice and we was coming to Santiago after having spent a couple of days on the beach of Quisco where we went to a party at Lancelot Excalibur disco for 18th of september holidays at the home of Daniela Melo, that day had a great time because a friend fell out of the pool and we laugh a lot, I like this photo for the simple reason that I am with my friends and I like being with them, are an important part of my life and are they are very fun then I do a lot to laugh


  1. gian! it is a great picture and when i saw it i remember that funny day. i loved it!
    see you

  2. Hi Gian
    That day was very funny
    I want a repeat of that day,
    good memories:)
    i see you in the University

  3. Gian, nice picture. I think that is very important make to know to your friends how much you love them. Nice choice. Good luck, BYE!

  4. Hi gian :D very good picture, very good day, and too very good days in the beach, good remembers, but caligula wasn't present in the picture :O jajajaja

    See you, bye

  5. Gian!!
    Very good option but I am not in the picture and this is baaaaad!! for this the picture are horrible jajajajja.. is a joke, it is nice.

    see you .. bye

  6. Hiiiiiiiii :)(L)
    I'm not in the pic :(
    but is very nice, I like when you get together
    I miss you and I love you pepita
    greetings, Bye byeee
