Thursday, October 15, 2009

My favorite technology object =)

My favorite technology object is mp3 player,today I have a sony mp3 buy him a year ago or a little more, the pattern of use is very simple, music is transferred from the computer with a link that brings and is ready to listen to with headphones , you must charge the battery each day brings. I use it every day, every moment, is very common to see me with headphones on, and nodding to the beat of the song I'm listening, I like so much because it helps me pass the time more fast and because I enjoy whit the music, and without this would not live because the music is very important to me, I love the music so much, usually I'm listening to music shows my mood or how I feel, my mp3 music describes me very well, so the mp3 player is so important to me in my life.


  1. Hello Gian!!

    Very good option!! the MP3 is really necessary in this day, you can listen music and keep works in the same thing.

    I see you tomorrow... bye!!

  2. hi gianfranco

    Oh! it's true!, the music is very important. I have an Ipod, but i don't have headphones, then I can't listen music since winter's hollydays. I miss the music on my trip to the university :(. See you in the university! bye!

  3. i like your mp3 is a fantastic objects
    for listen music.
    Is very important for your life
    because you feel happy =)

    see you en the university,

  4. hello dady yanke llou!
    mp3 is a very importan objet for listen music in the bus road to the university.
    see you toumorrou.

  5. HI Gian :D

    Really I was between the MP3 and the computer when I had to select my favourite piece of technology, the MP3 is another very important object for my day, I need to listen music every free time, for the same reasons that you.

    See you in the university, Bye :D

  6. gian!
    i like your MP3 because i love the music.
    see you at the university!

  7. Hi gian!

    I love the music too! It’s so boring when I go to some place without my mp3
    And we have the same mp3, but mine is purple xD


  8. what's up wife?

    I've already seen your blog and i discovered that you are a POKEMON, we will see us... "care' longi"
